Saturday, July 14, 2012

hitting my stride

So its been a couple weeks since my last post. My family and I have been busy going to a beautiful family wedding, a 50th wedding anniversary, the birth of a new niece, a week of military training and with the holiday in there you bet we went to the cabin and took in a few parades as well as firework needless to say we were pretty pooped out this week!!!

But now that we are back on the band wagon and settling back into a "normal" schedule (haha is there ever really a norm!?!?) During those few crazy weeks there were a couple times were I questioned my ability to devote the time I needed to train for a marathon. But what kept me going was the wonderful compliments I started to receive from my friends and family about my appearance. Also as crazy as life was getting I found running helped ground me it gave me a structured schedule to follow. Because I stuck with it I believe I came out a better stronger runner because of it. No doubt there was a few times I was soooo tired I could hardly keep my eyes open!! But by the time the run was over I felt rejuvenated again and full of energy!!!

I have a few more crazy weeks left in my summer, but I know now with a little determination I can achieve my goals. a few tips I picked up over the last couple of weeks.
1. its ok if you have to switch your schedule around by a day or two to get your runs in the important thing is that you get them in!
2. during those really HOT and humid days try running early in the morning or later in the evening, trust me your body will thank you!!
3. This one goes along with number 2..... WATER, WATER, WATER!!! Especially during those HOT day runs!! Make sure you are hydrating during your runs

Today I ran 10miles! I felt so good after and even better when I realized I had improved my average mile time!!!

Have a good weekend!!! Happy running!

Friday, June 15, 2012

WHY? oh WHY?

Here's the Sticky Icky (OOOOEEE! I know some of you were thinking it!). Right now my average mile is  9:50-10:20. My goal is to run right around a 10min mile so I can keep my Marathon time right around 4.5-5hrs.

I've had a lot of people asking me WHY did you decide to run a Marathon??

Like I've said its something that's always been on my Bucket List...With a little motivation from a good friend and the scary realization that my 30th Birthday is FAST approaching!! I figured its now or never! I've been thinking about the answer to that question for a couple of days now and this is what I've come up with in no particular order-
1. The pure satisfaction in saying I did it!
2. To prove to myself that my mind IS stronger than my body
3. Get my pre-baby, bikini body back.....HAHA....lets face it I'll be happy with runners legs and butt :)
4. All this training requires me to eat more healthy
5. And of course the free T-shirt!!!!

**Today I ran my 5 miles at 5:45am even at this hour it was really humid, not what I expected when I stepped out the door! I felt like I was running a bit on the slower side but when I checked my mile splits I was right on target...darn humidity for playing tricks on me! O one more thing if you ever see me running, it will probably look like I'm about to die!! LOL,  for some reason the blood rushes to my face and makes it bright red making it look like I'm going to hit the bucket! but I reassure you I'm FINE :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Training Schedule

OK, so I lied... its a 21 week training program, but who's REALLY counting anyway?!?!?

Training Schedule:
VB= volleyball, E3= Easy 3 mile run
*and Sunday is always a rest day
*all my Saturdays are easy run days
*all my Friday's are my long runs

Week 1:  M-3// TUE-Volleyball// WED-3// THU-rest// FRI-3// SAT-Easy 3
Week 2: M-3// TUE-VB// WED-3// THU-rest// FRI-4// SAT-E3
Week 3: M-3// TUE-VB// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-5// SAT-E3
Week 4: M-3// TUE-VB// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-6// SAT-E3
Week 5: M-4// TUE-VB// WED-3// THU-rest// FRI-7// SAT-E3
Week 6: M-4// TUE-VB// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-8// SAT-E3
Week 7: M-4// TUE-VB// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-10// SAT-E3
Week 8: M-4// TUE-VB// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-8// SAT-E3
Week 9: M-4// TUE-VB// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-12// SAT-E3
Week 10: M-5// TUE-VB// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-10// SAT-E3
Week 11: M-4// TUE-VB// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-14// SAT-E3
Week 12: M-5// TUE-VB// WED-5// THU-rest// FRI-10// SAT-E3
Week 13: M-5// TUE-VB// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-17// SAT-E3
Week 14: M-4// TUE-VB// WED-5// THU-rest// FRI-12// SAT-E3
Week 15: M-4// TUE-VB// WED-5// THU-rest// FRI-18// SAT-E3
Week 16: M-5// TUE-rest// WED-6// THU-rest// FRI-12// SAT-E3
Week 17: M-6// TUE-rest// WED-5// THU-rest// FRI-20// SAT-E3
Week 18: M-5// TUE-rest// WED-5// THU-rest// FRI-10// SAT-E3
Week 19: M-3// TUE-rest// WED-4// THU-rest// FRI-8// SAT-E3
Week 20: M-3// TUE-rest// WED-5// THU-rest// FRI-5// SAT-E3
Week 21: M-2// TUE-rest// WED-2// THU-rest// FRI-walk 20 min.// SAT-rest// SUN-RACE DAY!

So this is what I'll be doing the majority of my summer :) Hopefully this helps all you runners that are creating a training schedule.

Now for the breakdown.... I researched MANY, MANY, MANY training schedules. The majority of them had the long runs on SAT. But knowing my summer schedule is super busy this year I rearranged it. That's the beauty of this whole thing its totally customizable!!! So knowing what your personal schedule is will help you set up your training schedule-don't set yourself up for failure with unrealistic goals...customize it to meet your needs :) As you can see I play Volleyball on TUE. for more than half of my training schedule, most of the schedules I researched recommended some kind of cross train activity...But don't feel you have to. What everyone has been telling me is rest if you need to, don't over do it. You want to keep your body strong and healthy for the fun part! :)  Good Luck fellow runners!!! Thanks for all the support from my friends, family, and mentors!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

perfect morning for a run!

So here it is, I'm announcing it to the world, I will be running the Mankato Marathon in October 2012!!! WHAT?!?! Did I just say that? I'm out of my freaking mind- that's 26.2 miles!!! I must have tripped over the crack in the sidewalk and bumped my head when I came up with this brilliant idea!!!

Actually I have always wanted to do this its been on my bucket list since I was about 18. But a good friend of mine encouraged me to do it! (who also has the Duluth Marathon under her belt) Thanks for your support! I have always considered myself an active person, but in recent years I've slacked a little bit...Lets face it life sets in and sometimes you just don't have the energy to get up and run 5 miles!!!

So here's why I've decided to create my blog:
1. Its a motivation tool
2. I'm hoping others who have experienced running at any level will give me advice
3. I hope to be an inspiration to others

Here's a little about me and my background- I grew up on a farm and was expected to help out some jobs where better than others but I thank my parents for instilling in me you have to work hard to succeed. I was always extremely active through grade school and high school I was on the basketball team, track team, volleyball team, and cross country team among other clubs and church commitments. When I was 17 I decided I wanted to join the Minnesota Army National Guard (another moment in my life when I must have bumped my head) almost 12yrs later I'm still in and LOVE it!!! After basic training and AIT I came back and went to collage. In 2004 I was deployed to Iraq where I met the love of my life. When we came back home we were married about a year later. About a year into our marriage I found out I was pregnant, we had a beautiful baby girl!!....a couplee years passed this is the time where I began to slack a bit :) when our daughter turned 3 we decided to try for another baby, a year later we had a handsome little boy!!! Now my little boy is nearing 9mo.....and here I am a stay at home mom of two with this HUGE goal!!! :)

I'm currently in the 3rd week of my 20 week training program. (I will put up a new post with the training schedule I came up with) Today I ran 4 miles and I feel like I'm finally hitting my stride.

well its time to craft with the kids but stay tuned.....